Monday, February 2, 2009

Back to work...

Tomorrow mom goes back to work and I go to my first day of daycare. We toured the center last week and mom struggled with tears, but I think it will be a place I will enjoy for 2 days a week. Mom is doing short 8 hour days this week to ease into things and next week she will be back to her 12 hour shifts. Dad is taking me tomorrow to daycare to make things a little easier for mom...although it will still be hard saying good-bye to this precious face.
Dad gave this necklace to mom for Christmas...isn't he sweet
Moms brag book that she will take to work to share with everyone
Starting tummy time...
This was one of the gifts that I received from the Weiland's. A Duke shirt...
Dad hates Duke, but Adam is a huge fan and thought it would be a great gift to rub in dads face. Mom and dad thought it would be funny to dress me in this duke outfit the night they got beat. They took a picture of me and sent a text that read...
"hey uncle Adam. I wore your Christmas gift for good luck tonight...did it help duke win?"
My newest toy grandma b bought me. THANKS GRANDMA!
I got shots last week...
and did that hurt...
2 shots in one thigh and one in the other :(
My thighs are getting a little chunky as you might notice.
I was in the 75% for weight at 12.12 lbs and 50% for height at 23 1/4 in.
Dr Wadle told me that I am healthy boy!
I hope everybody else is staying healthy this winter,
till next time...

1 comment:

brenda gervais said...

Hi Beckham,
You look so handsome in your new little blue matches your pretty blue eyes! You have grown since you were at grandma's house, you are getting to be a big boy! Day care starts tomorrow... big day for you & mommy, but everything will be just fine. You will have new toys to play with at daycare and other little babies to get to know & before long they will be your little playmates & friends.
Hugs & kisses,
Grandma B