Wednesday, April 20, 2011

thomas and baking 101...
thomas... and more thomas. (Thanks grandma j for the new thomas legos) I'm wondering if there is any other thomas toys out there on the market that we are missing ;) Instead of playing thomas...i decided it was time to introduce baking. Since Easter is on Sunday we decided to try a new cookie using mini robin eggs.
I enjoyed standing back...
and capturing the moment. Our first time baking together. You were so serious...
such concentration.
You loved stirring the robin eggs into the batter... and eating a few at the same time.
chocolate pudding cookies with mini robin eggsthe end result...
you loved!
We are looking forward to Easter weekend...
lots planned-
dying eggs, Easter egg hunt, baking cookies, and lots of eating.
pictures to follow!

1 comment:

brenda gervais said...

Your cookies look yummy yummy!
Grandma B